Skin in the Game

so we launched an ad network.

who cares?

nobody, if we're still using Facebook to grow our business.

this month we deleted our Fan page and removed all Facebook tracking and conversion pixels from our website.

Exhibit A

Fomo deletes Facebook

Exhibit B

Fomo removes Facebook pixel tracking

it wasn't an easy decision. it was super easy.

going forward, Fomo will use our own ad network to grow our business.

this will align interests with our clients (partners) and ensure the platform is a best-in-class offering to honest marketers everywhere.

how it works

for 2 months we've been hacking on the self-service ad builder.

this has everything you need, and nothing you don't, to produce a targeted social proof ad campaign in under 90 seconds.

Fomo Publishers dashboard

step 1 - select a source

this is a live feed of orders or subscribers from your Shopify store, Mailchimp newsletter, Stripe billing, etc.

Fomo turns your proudest customer interactions into engaging advertisements. no more grainy, static banners.

step 2 - add context

elicit interest from prospects on digital publications with a headline and some merged in customer details.

Fomo Publishers ad builder

this means you don't need a designer to build creative; Fomo will generate ads for you throughout the day.

step 3 - launch

tell us about your target market by selecting audience tags for gender, age, and location requirements.

set a budget, and you're done.

our team will manually curate the best publications for your ads, which means you don't need to hire an expensive PPC marketer (sorry agencies) to build highly targeted campaigns.

what's next

last month we pre-sold thousands of clicks for the Fomo Publishers ad network.

we're currently focused on onboarding niche publishers that meet the needs of these beta clients, and are rolling out campaigns next week.

to be considered for the 2nd round of our pilot program, tell us about your business here.

if you've already shared details in a Fomo survey or landing page, your spot in line is reserved, and you do not need to re-apply.